UFO caught on camera near Kanab, Utah on 21st March,
This UFO is very similar to the craft that George Adamski
claims to have seen.
Proof that Adamski was truthful or perhaps evidence that
some hoaxers have no sense of
imagination! |
following article is a response to the initial article on this site
relating to George Adamski (see above) from Bill
George Adamski,
Contactee or Charlatan?
By William Hamilton
Some say it is
the California sun or the Santa Ana winds that created the
weird culture of the west coast. The inhabitants think
differently. Westerners are open to new ideas.
Visitors from another planet are welcome in
I was
enthralled as a teenager to read the story of George Adamski
who rode out to Desert Center, California on November 20, 1952
to meet a visitor from the planet Venus, an event attested to
by six witnesses who signed a notarized statement. In
the 1950s there was still much speculation about intelligent
life on our neighboring rocky planets, Mars and
Venus. |
believe that human life is a product of the long evolutionary
processes that are unique to Earth. They consider it
extremely unlikely that we would someday encounter human forms
from another planet. This popular view has prevailed to
the degree that most scientists reject the stories of the
contactees. They also point out that other planets in
our own solar system do not have atmospheres conducive to
human life as we know it. Venus has a hothouse
atmosphere and it bears down on the Venusian surface at a
pressure 90 times greater than earth's atmosphere at sea
As a
teenager I was excited by the prospect of making contact with
the visitors or, at the very least, catching a glimpse of
their ships over these remote desert regions. This was
not a formal investigation of contactees. I had very few
doubts then. I felt that the contactees were not
concocting stories. Little did I know that an era was
passing, that a future day would come when UFO researchers and
investigators would dismiss and debunk contactees as frauds
who possessed motives of greed and a need for attention and
adulation. Little did I know that the contactee of the
future would report a different kind of experience, that of
menacing abductions and examinations conducted by humanoid,
but non-human entities. Little did I know that the
future would bring greater mystification rather than
enlightenment. |
All these
human visitors were described by various contactees, those who had
written books, and many who had not. Their descriptions were
remarkably similar.
I drove my first car,
a 1953 Mercury on the Palms to Pines highway in 1959 when I drove
twins Ray and Rex Stanford from Giant Rock in the Mojave Desert to
Mount Palomar in San Diego County California. We stayed an
entire weekend talking to Adamski and examining his photos,
plaster-of-paris casts of Orthon’s footprints, and his workshop
experiments with radioactive materials and magnets for the purpose
of exploring levitation. Later Ray Stanford wrote a scathing
report denouncing Adamski as a fraud even though he himself had
published stories about his own contacts with human-like space
visitors and the facility he had of using telepathy to establish
such contacts.
Many years later, in
the 1970s after Adamski’s death, I had the opportunity of
interviewing Alice Wells for a period of 4 hours and subsequently
going to the site of Adamski’s first meeting on November 20, 1952 at
a location 10.2 miles north of Desert Center, California on the
highway to Parker, Arizona where he met up with George Hunt
Williamson and his wife, Betty. I was impressed with Alice’s
eyewitness account of the large cigar-shaped “mothership” they had
observed on that momentous occasion as well as her description of
the man Adamski called “Orthon” as seen clearly by her from a
distance with binoculars. She was emphatic that her drawing of
him in Adamski’s recounting in the book Flying Saucers Have
Landed was accurate and that she was close enough to see the
details of his face and manner of dress. She also said that a
similar visitor dressed in our style of clothing had visited her
Palomar Gardens restaurant in the 1950s. I had no reason to
doubt her and the attention to detail in her testimony was
Most criticism
of Adamski revolves around two factors. One is his
association with metaphysics and the other is his claim that
these visitors came from planetary bodies in our own solar
system when the advancement of technology revealed that these
bodies had no signs of human life or civilization and indeed
had atmospheric conditions unfriendly to any plant or animal
form of life as we know it on earth. Overlooked is the
fact that these meetings with extraterrestrials may have taken
place as Adamski said they did and as witnesses attested to
even under oath, but may have either deceived Adamski
themselves by telling him they were from uninhabitable planets
or told him the truth and made him swear to keep it to himself
while giving out a public story. |
George Adamski
had described his meeting with a man at Desert Center and remarking
that the flesh of his hand was as smooth as a baby's, but firm and
warm. His hands were slender with long tapering fingers.
He was only five feet six inches in height and looked like he
weighed about 135 pounds. Adamski estimated his age at
28. He had a round face with an extremely high forehead;
large, but calm gray-green eyes, slightly aslant at the outer
corners with slightly higher cheek bones than an Occidental; a
finely chiseled nose...an average size mouth with beautiful white
teeth that shone...skin coloring that is an even, medium-colored
suntan...and it did not look like he ever had to shave for there was
no more hair on his face than a child's. His hair was sandy in
color and hung in beautiful waves to his shoulders. His
clothing was a one-piece garment...it's color was chocolate
brown...a band about eight inches in width circled his waste...it
was definitely a woven material...there was a sheen about the whole
garment...saw no zippers, buttons, buckles, fasteners, or pockets
of any kind...nor seams as our garments show. He wore no ring or
ornament of any kind.
Contrast Adamski's
description with that given by Travis Walton when he was abducted in
1975. Travis saw a human being, a man about six feet two
inches tall. He was muscular and was evenly
proportioned. He wore a tight-fitting bright blue suit of
material that looked like soft velour. He had course,
sandy-blond hair of medium length. He had a dark complexion,
like a deep, even tan. He had no beard or mustache. In
fact, stubble or dark shadows of whiskers were not even
Contactee Orfeo
Angelluci saw a beautiful man with extremely large, dark and
expressive eyes and noble features. He was wearing a kind of
uniform, bluish in color, perfectly tailored and tightly fitted
to the outline of his body. But it was apparently without
seams, buttons, pockets, trimmings, or design of any
Menger describes a beautiful woman he met sitting on a rock.
She had on a uniform which had a shimmering, shiny texture...the
clothing had no buttons, fasteners, or seams that he could
extraterrestrials have been reported in Mexico, South America, and
Europe as well. All of them have demonstrated extraordinary
telepathic abilities. The uniforms they wear, first described
by the contactees, and are similar to those described by abductees
in a later era. Some of these visitors reportedly blend in
with us and could not be readily identified if they wore our
clothing and make-up. This implies that they have a genetic
kinship with earth humans and have evolved under similar biochemical
and biophysical conditions to those found on earth. Their
actual origin is unknown, but if they are from other planets or
dimensions, then their existence is a challenge to our scientific
The controversy
concerning Adamski continues to this day. A few ardent
supporters believe Adamski reported true experiences, and that his
photographs of mother ships and scout ships are among the best UFO
photos in the world. However, the majority of UFO researchers
believe Adamski wove tall tales, that his earlier work of fiction,
Pioneers of Space, foreshadowed his non-fiction tale,
Inside the Spaceships; that he photographed small models
through his telescope, models that he had constructed in his
workshop. At one time it was thought that the scout ship had
been identified as a chicken brooder, a lamp, or the top of a water
cooler, which had been made to look like a flying saucer. However,
none of these explanations were ever convincingly proven. The
fact that many other photos of this bell-configuration have been
taken in different parts of the world, and that many independent
witnesses had seen such a shape attests to its authenticity.
Today, we know that photos can be easily hoaxed, but this does not
mean that Adamski's photos were hoaxed.
The controversy over
Adamski’s photos of motherships and scouts still rages on and is
further complicated by color film taken by Adamski on various
occasions, one of which was sent to a naval laboratory in San Diego
and never returned. This film was taken in Mexico and I was
one of the few who saw the film before it disappeared and must say
it was very impressive. There was no evidence that his photographs
were hoaxed despite claims by skeptics.
recent claim that Adamski had built models based on the ones
built by Agnew Bahnson in his experiments with Townsend T.
Brown in Bahnson’s electrogravitic laboratory has really
reversed the true story which is that Bahnson corresponded
with Adamski after reading his book and asked Adamski
if he had learned technical details that he, Bahnson, could
experiment with in his lab.
One man who is
very skeptical, yet fascinated with the contactee era is
Jerome Clark who wrote a monthly column on UFOs for FATE
magazine. He considers that contactees such as the
well-known George Adamski were charlatans. He considers
that the evidence against the early contactees was
overwhelming and that Adamski and other contactees were caught
telling falsehoods on more than one occasion. The
remarkably clear photos that Adamski took of Venusian scout
ships were fakes. Some believe that Adamski built models
and others feel that he dressed up some common piece of
apparatus such as a chicken brooder to look like a flying
saucer, this despite eyewitness claims that craft
resembling the Venusian scout ship were seen in different
parts of the world. Tales of the so-called Space
Brothers were no more than contrived fantasies to put one over
on the unsuspecting public. |
Davis who, in 1957, was an officer of Civilian Saucer Intelligence
of New York, once wrote a scathing critique of the contactee's
claims entitled, "Meet the Extraterrestrials." One criticism
that she levels at the spacemen in the contactee's stories is that
they never provide unequivocal proof. And, of course, they
claim to originate from planets that scientists know harbor
conditions hostile to any kind of life, much less humanoid life. The
main criticism of Adamski's claims is that his visitors claimed to
have come from Venus, Mars, and Saturn.
The early
contactees described meeting human extraterrestrials wherever their
point of origin. These human visitors had very symmetrical
features; their skin was clear and translucent; their fingers were
more flexible than ours; and their irises had different hues and
colors than those seen on earth. They are never reported to be
fat, thin, or ugly. Their hair, teeth, nails, and eyes were
all without defect. It's as if they perfected control over
their genetic breeding and produced healthier and longer living
specimens than terrestrial humans.
Once in 1960, a young contactee named Paul took a photo out of his
wallet allegedly showing a picture of a woman from another
planet. She appeared to fit the description given by many
contactees. Her eyes were the most electric blue I had ever
little-known California contactee of the fifties was Calvin
Girvin. Calvin reported many contacts with a human saucer
pilot named Cryxtan. Calvin also reported going aboard one of
the scout ships. Calvin was also in the Air Force and was
interrogated by the AF Office of Special Investigation. Last
heard from, he was living somewhere in
From time
to time present-day abductees report an encounter with
Nordic-looking alien beings that bear a resemblance to the ones
described by the contactees of the fifties. Recently, a coffee
shop friend found out that I was a field investigator and was eager
to tell me of the odd events that had entered his life when he was a
pre-teen. Like the old-timers, he claimed that a man from Mars
came to visit him, and, one day, took him for a ride to the planet
Mars where they entered an opening in the ground. A shaft
descended five miles toward the planet's interior where he
encountered the inhabitants of an ancient underground Martian
The contactee experience has its own characteristics. Some of
these characteristics are shared with the abductee experience, but
most are unique to a contactee scenario. Most Ufologists of
the nineties have been led to believe that the contactees were
charlatans out to spread religious philosophies, and this has proven
a stumbling block to any proposed scientific investigation of the
contactee's claims.
A typical contactee scenario usually
proceeds in this fashion:
1) The contactee has an urge or impulse that he or she
perceives to be coming from an outside source and this urge seems to
direct them to some remote location. There is an air of
2) The contactee is usually approached by a human being
wearing a one-piece uniform that has disembarked from a flying
saucer. The human can access the contactee's mind with
telepathy. The visitors do not display any difficulty with
English or any other spoken language.
3) Either the meeting terminates or the contactee is taken on
a tour of the ship or a ride to a mothership.
4) The contactee does not experience a loss of time or lapse
of memory.
5) The contactee is usually given a message or project to
accomplish. One of the common themes of the messages given to
the early contactees is that we are upsetting the balance of
Many Ufologists who study abductee (or, using the newer term --
experiencer) cases generally accept that there were no legitimate
contactees and that there is no precedence for the abductee
Objections to the
case for the contactees are:
1) The contactee doesn't have any first-hand
eyewitnesses. Although true of the vast proportion of
abductees as well, it was felt that the contactee should have
someone else that would attest to the reality of the
experience. As we have related here, George Adamski, for one,
had six eyewitnesses to his first contact.
2) The early contactees claimed that the visitors came from
planets in our local solar system such as Mars and Venus.
Space probes have proven that other planets in our system could not
sustain life as we know it. It might be possible that humans
with advanced technology could build protected habitats on or under
the surface of neighboring planets, but they would not have
originated there. Other possibilities include coming from a
different frequency/density/dimension of the other planet in our
system, but the visitors did not always explicitly state this as
their origin. Perhaps they were deceiving the contactees or
the contactees colluded with the visitors to protect their identity
and origin from enemies also contacting earth humans.
Otherwise, we are left with the conclusion that the contactees
fabricated this part of their story or their whole story. This
last conclusion is, of course, the one that wins the most votes
among researchers.
3) One of the primary objections to the contactee was the apparent
zeal with which they spread quasi-religious messages. This was
disturbingly cult-like. The feedback of adulation and
attention given the contactee may distort whatever legitimate
experience he/she may have had.
4) The contactees were not very cooperative with researchers;
extensively ridiculed, they were not interested in providing proof
of their experiences to still another skeptical inquirer.
5) One of the biggest objections to the contactee experience
is that the visitors were reported looking human and able to pass
undetected amongst us if dressed in our clothing. Humans were
a product of earth's evolutionary development and could not possibly
arise on other worlds. Yet, reports of human entities from
UFOs will not go away. We still hear of encounters with them
from the new experiencers. The existence of humans originating from
an extraterrestrial or extra dimensional civilization is a
comforting thought to our aloneness in the universe.
This article recounts just some of my experiences with the early
California contactees. I was convinced that the flying saucer
mystery had a simple solution and that the mystery would be unveiled
before the next decade of the sixties had passed. Little did I
know that we were facing complex phenomena that would continue to
baffle us all to the present day.